International Festivals Welcome an Iranian Animator’s Child Dreams

“Am I Wolf?” which has made considerable success has won an award for the best film from “Child Dreams” section, Insomnia International Animation Film Festival, Russia.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Amir Houshang Moein, the director, received the award of “New Face” section at 22nd Media Art Festival, Japan. They appreciated “Am I a Wolf?” because it conquers children’s mind and psyche since fantasy atmosphere is stronger than reality to children.

Japanese had emphasized that in this Kanoon product, the border between reality and fantasy, that is fear, widens in an eye catching way, but as the film goes on this fear is forgotten and the young audience comes to know that it is only a childish display.  

Now and on its latest achievement, Russians have awarded the animation’s child dreams in Insomnia International Animation Film Festival held from 18th to 22 June 2019.

The best short animations from all over the world were screened in open space during the night. Guests had the opportunity to attend art events such as lectures, live music concerts, plays, and art market during the day.

At the end, the main award was granted to a film from Russia. Insomnia Festival was held in various sections and ended by awarding different films.

“Am I a Wolf?” could obtain the award for the best animation from 6th  Tripoli Film Festival, Lebanon.

This eight-minute animation produced with digital technique is silent. The script is based on a story with the same title written by Afsaneh Shaaban Nejad.

“Am I a Wolf?” could obtain awards from various domestic and international festivals such as Zagreb, Croatia; International Animation Film Festival Golden Kuker – Sofia, Bulgaria; Istanbul, Urban Film Festival, Turkey; Tehran 11th International Animation Festival.


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