News Code: 292647
Publish Date: 4 November 2019 - 08:57
Visit Count 130
 “Really, Seriously, Seriously!” by Emily Rivard Published

Kanoon published “Really, Seriously, Seriously!” written by Emily Rivard and illustrated by Anne-Claire Delisle.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Parnaz Nayeri has translated the book. It is suitable for audiences over seven years old.

The story is about a grandfather who always tells happy and interesting stories for his grandchild to entertain him. Now, he is suffering from a disease and cannot remember any of his tales. He even does not smile.

Charlie thinks that now it is his turn to make his grandpa happy for even one moment. But, can he?

Kanoon has purchased the book from BAYARD CANADA LIVERS Inc., the Canadian publisher under copyright regulations.

 “Really, seriously, seriously!” colorful, in 24 pages and 8000 Toomans is sent to the market.

Kanoon has published 2500 copies in Duodecimo size.


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