Kanoon Published 14 Books in Braille by Outstanding Authors

Fourteen new Kanoon books in Braille reached Iranian children and adolescents.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, blind children and adolescents can read nine books published in Braille.

The first collection of children poetry includes two volumes: “Two Sweet Apples” versed by Katoon Hosseini, and “How Kind God is!” by Aki Ko Kageh. 

The second collection includes “An Umbrella Made of Flowers” by Afsaneh Shaaban Nejad, “Yellow Crow” by Naser Keshavaraz, “Once There was a Dog, Once There was a Jungle” by Mostafa Rahmandoust. 

“The Little Hungry Human” by Pier Deli, “God’s Cookies” and “The Most Honest Friend” by Clair Jubert, “Playing with Fingers” by Mostafa Rahmandoust, “The Story of the Tickle” by Sepideh Khalili are the children books published in Braille. 
This collection includes “The Coach Riding Sun” by Hossein Bokaie that is a scientific book.

Adolescent poetry enthusiasts can read poetry in a collection consisting of “In Silence of the Sand” by Kamal Shafiee, “Farewell in Autumn Street” by Maryam Eslami, “I am a bit of Huma and A lot of Sparrow” by Seid Habib Nezari. 

Those who are interested can purchase these books from Kanoon bookstores or call 021 84014 Kanoon Trading Unit. 


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