“Crab” Reached Animest International Animation Film Festival
Bucharest, Romania

“Crab” directed by Shiva Sadegh Asadi entered section for short film competition at 15th Animest International Animation Film Festival, Bucharest, Romania

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “Carb” competes with films from Czech Republic, Belgium, Switzerland, Cyprus, Italy, Hungary, Ukraine, Australia, Britain, and France and displayed in a ninety-one-minute collection at 18:30 November 9, 2020.

Kanoon produced this eleven-minute animation titled “Crab” in 2019. It is experiencing its 8th international presence in this festival.

Animest International Animation Film Festival that started in 2006 changed into an outstanding international animation festival. This animation film festival is held in six sections every year. The sections are: feature films, short films, student films, children section, music video, VR films and Romanian films.

Kanoon managed to obtain the award for the best short film in 2015 and the statuette and honorary diploma of the 10th Animest International Animation Film Festival for “Hairy”, the animation directed by Rasoul Takht Zarin and Hadi Tabasi.

Last year the short animation “Am I a Wolf?” directed by Amir Houshang Moein was nominated at the festival short film competition section last year.

Animest International Film Festival is one of the festivals approved of by the Academy Awards Oscar. Every year it presents the festival statuette to a short film competition section selected by the jury.

It is reminded that Animest International Animation Film Festival is held online from November 9 to 15, 2020 in Bucharest, Romania.



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